The Reality of Nursing Research: Politics, Practices and by Patricia Lyne,Davina Allen PDF

By Patricia Lyne,Davina Allen

ISBN-10: 0415346274

ISBN-13: 9780415346276

ISBN-10: 0415346282

ISBN-13: 9780415346283

Focusing at the nurse researcher's twin position as practitioner and researcher, in addition to learn ethics and the connection among practitioner and educational agendas, The fact of Nursing Research is helping to:

  • locate the sensible dilemmas of nursing study in old and coverage context

  • prepare these approximately to embark on learn for many of the concerns they'll face

  • reassure researchers that they're no longer the single ones to come across the complexity of genuine lifestyles learn

  • support the study instructor or manager in getting ready and mentoring their students

  • share studies of others who've encountered comparable matters and supply a few useful suggestion on their solution.

With illustrative case reviews and useful recommendation, this e-book seems on the genuine existence dilemmas confronted through nurse researchers at key levels of the examine technique from constructing a study query via to disseminating the findings.  it really is a necessary textual content for nurse researchers, lecturers of analysis, learn supervisors and nurses venture study at degree via to doctoral level.

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Essentials of Law for Health Professionals by Kim Forrester,Debra Griffiths PDF

By Kim Forrester,Debra Griffiths

ISBN-10: 0729539156

ISBN-13: 9780729539159

Essentials of legislations for wellbeing and fitness pros 3e has been completely revised and up-to-date all through to mirror the latest adjustments in laws suitable to the supply of overall healthiness care providers in Australia. Employment prestige of future health execs and problems with paintings disguise, overall healthiness and defense responsibilities, anti-discrimination matters are truly defined and mentioned within the re-creation. felony concerns surrounding genetics, fertility and surrogacy are reviewed at the side of the present place on abortion and wrongful deaths. The breadth of fabric is gifted in a fashion that's extra in line with a scholar source textual content instead of a legislations e-book. It emphasises significant issues and comprises summaries on how the legislation pertains to perform instead of only declaring the law.  the recent 3rd variation keeps to offer modern matters proper for wellbeing and fitness technology scholars from the medical atmosphere via to administration and employment, as they observe to every state.

  • Streamlined re-creation contains updates to key chapters such as:
    • Chapter five Negligence, which has been thoroughly rewritten to debate negligence by way of jurisdiction
    • Chapter eight Manipulation of lifestyles now offers with topical and debatable concerns reminiscent of abortion, wrongful demise, tissue transplants, genetics and infertility
    • Chapter 10: Contractual and business components perform has been up to date to incorporate the newest adjustments to business relatives legislations, info that's crucial for any surgeon getting into employment.
    • Chapter eleven: Statues Controlling health and wellbeing carrier supply has been revised with recognize to medicines and keeps to supply the numerous laws probably to affect at the day-by-day perform of the health care professional specifically poisons, psychological overall healthiness laws, baby and elder abuse, and the notification of births and deaths.
    • New bankruptcy 12: Registration and law of healthiness pros highlights the modern matters confronted through health and wellbeing pros with the implementation of nationwide Registration.
  • Addition of laws regulating examine and a dialogue of the legislative and customary legislations controls on accomplishing study inside of Australian healthcare structures – nationwide wellbeing and fitness and clinical study Council Act
  • Update all appendices and contain the choice Making Framework for Nurses plus Glossary
  • Takes a multidisciplinary method of the topic of wellbeing and fitness care legislation and contains case-studies and actions.
  • Discussion at the implications of evidence-based perform at the normal notionally attributed to the obligation of care.

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Get Der Beruf des Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegers: Eine PDF

By Alina Winkelmann

ISBN-10: 3863414195

ISBN-13: 9783863414191

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Pädagogische Soziologie, be aware: 2,0, Universität Erfurt, Sprache: Deutsch, summary: 1. Vorwort

2. Der Beruf des Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegers
2.1 Arbeitsprofil
2.2 Ausbildung
2.3 Weiterbildungs- und Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten

3. Männer vs. Frauen – Wer hat hier die Hosen an?
3.1 Der geschichtliche Kontext
3.2 Die Prekarität
3.3 Gründe für geschlechtsspezifische Attraktivität der Krankenpflege
3.4 intent für Frauen – intent für Männer
3.5 Zukunftsidee - “Girls`Day” vs. “Boys`Day”

4. Drei Fallbeschreibungen auf Grundlage von Interviews
4.1. Einleitung zur qualitativen Studie
4.1.1 Das Ziel der Untersuchung
4.1.2 Die Erhebungsmethode
4.1.3 Der Leitfaden
4.1.4 Die Interviewpartner
4.1.5 Die Durchführung der Befragung
4.1.6 Der Auswertungsmodus
4.2 Analysen der Interviews
4.2.1 Beruflicher Werdegang und intent für die Ausbildung
4.2.2 Der Ausbildungsverlauf
4.2.3 Krankenpflege eine Frauendomäne?
4.2.4 Vorurteile
4.2.5 Männer vorrangig in höheren Positionen?
4.2.6 Prekarität
4.2.7 Weiterbildungs- und Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten

5. Fazit

6. Anhang
6.1 Leitfaden für das Interview
6.2 Interviews
6.2.1 Frau G.
6.2.2 Herr P.
6.2.3 Frau P.
6.2.4 Herr F.

7. Literaturverzeichnis und Quellen

8. Eidesstattliche Erklärung

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Direkte Patientenakquisition – Das Management von - download pdf or read online

By Christin Günther

ISBN-10: 3842891911

ISBN-13: 9783842891913

Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Medizin - Krankenhauswesen, Klinische Medizin, word: 1,3, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg (Institut für administration öffentlicher Aufgaben, Betriebswirtschaftslehre des öffentlichen Bereichs und Gesundheitswesen), Veranstaltung: Gesundheitsmanagement, Sprache: Deutsch, summary: Das Krankenhaus gilt als zentrale Einrichtung der Gesundheitsversorgung, Zentrum für medizinischen Fortschritt und bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor. Im internationalen Vergleich können deutsche Krankenhäuser einen hohen Leistungsstandard aufweisen, dem jedoch hohe Kosten gegenüber stehen. Im Jahr 2010 betrugen die gesamten Gesundheitsausgaben 287,3 Mrd.Euro, wobei allein auf Krankenhäuser ein Betrag von 74,3 Mrd.Euro entfiel.
Als Konsequenz aus den steigenden Gesundheitsausgaben zielt der Gesetzgeber aufseiten der Versorgungsanbieter darauf ab, durch die Einführung und kontinuierliche Erhöhung des Kosten- und Wettbewerbsdrucks, die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Leistungserstellung in den Versorgungseinrichtungen zu verbessern. Durch zahlreiche Veränderungen im Gesundheitssystem und im politischen Umfeld sind Krankenhäuser nun einem immer größer werdenden Wettbewerbsdruck ausgesetzt und sehen sich erstmalig zu einer marktwirtschaftlichen Ausrichtung gezwungen.
Daher bedarf es einer professionellen Vermarktung guter Leistungen, durch die es dem Krankenhaus möglich ist, sich gegenüber Wettbewerbsteilnehmern intestine zu positionieren. Ein Management-Ansatz für die aktive und umfassende Gestaltung der Beziehung zwischen den verschiedenen Anspruchsgruppen und dem Krankenhaus wird notwendig. Dieser Ansatz muss in der Lage sein, den zukünftigen und langfristigen Erfolg des Krankenhauses zu sichern.
Die Zielgruppe aller Aktivitäten sind dabei die Kunden. In einem Krankenhaus zählen drei Anspruchsgruppen zu den Kunden: der sufferer als Empfänger der Krankenhausleistung, die Krankenversicherung als Kostenträger und letztlich der Einweiser, der die „Kaufentscheidung“ des Kunden wesentlich beeinflusst. Neben Notfalleinweisungen und Verlegungen in andere Häuser, findet der sufferer bei elektiven Behandlungen in erster Linie über Einweisungen niedergelassener Ärzte den Weg ins Krankenhaus. Dies betrifft mit forty five% aller Patienten den größten Teil, der dort zu behandelnden. Somit stellt der Einweiser die wichtigste Anspruchsgruppe des Krankenhauses dar.
In dieser Arbeit steht jedoch die direkte Patientenakquisition und somit der sufferer im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Thema dieser Arbeit ist das administration von Patientenbeziehungen als neue Herausforderung im Klinikmarketing. Dabei soll herausgestellt werden, ob die direkte Patientenakquisition im Rahmen eines Managements von Patientenbeziehungen tatsächlich eine choice zum Erreichen der wirtschaftlichen Ziele eines Krankenhauses darstellt.

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Download e-book for iPad: A Path to Nursing Excellence: The Columbia Experience by Mary O'Neil, DrPH Mundinger

By Mary O'Neil, DrPH Mundinger

ISBN-10: 082616952X

ISBN-13: 9780826169525

"I discovered the dean's perception and imaginative and prescient for brand spanking new and evolving adjustments in nursing very motivational. this may be an exceptional learn for somebody attracted to constructing nursing programs." ranking: ninety seven, five Stars.--Doody's clinical Reviews

This booklet, written by way of the Dean Emeritus of Columbia university of Nursing, follows the evolution of complex perform Nursing as a winning and well-respected version of self sustaining nursing perform. It describes a dramatic interval of 25 years within which the writer rescued a failing institution of nursing at Columbia college and led it via a interval of fight that, via robust and punctiliously built making plans, led complicated perform Nursing to a brand new point of authority and schooling. It depicts Columbia's management in setting up CAPNA, a financially winning self sustaining nursing perform, and makes use of the case examine of Columbia institution of Nursing to demonstrate how nursing management used leverage and political acumen to collect disparate and strange companions to aid its project to restructure the APN model.

Divided into six sections, the ebook describes how the techniques transpired in the course of five-year sessions and offers, within the ultimate part, an motion plan in the event you wish to strengthen an analogous point of perform in a faculty or separately. Chapters deal with why the seminal success happened, precisely what came about, the cultural and perform setting during which swap happened, innovations used and resistance triumph over, and options that emerged a result of ultimate fulfillment. The textual content, with its specialist and monetary version, may be of worth to nurse educators who desire to invigorate their courses, DNP graduates who search to improve their practices, scientific educators, enterprise schooling pros, and healthiness reformers.

Key Features:

  • Portrays a passionate 25-year fight in the direction of the fulfillment of complicated perform nursing authority and autonomy
  • Shares a profitable version of self reliant nursing practice
  • Offers instructions on easy methods to educate school for his or her position in offering helpful medical schooling in NP and DNP programs
  • Provides a blueprint for faculties of nursing trying to enhance powerful DNP courses and start up an autonomous school nursing practice
  • Written through the Dean Emeritus of Columbia university of Nursing

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Read e-book online Unknown Warriors: The Letters of Kate Luard, RRC and Bar, PDF

By John and Caroline Stevens,John Stevens

ISBN-10: 0750959223

ISBN-13: 9780750959223

ISBN-10: 0750984201

ISBN-13: 9780750984201

The phrases of Unknown Warriors resonate as powerfully this present day as whilst first written. The publication bargains a truly own glimpse into the hidden global of the army box health center the place sufferers struggled with ache and trauma, and nurses fought to avoid wasting lives and protect emotional integrity.

The book�s writer was once certainly one of a opt for variety of absolutely expert army nurses who labored in health center trains and casualty clearing stations throughout the First international warfare, coming as on the subject of front as a girl may perhaps. Kate Luard used to be already a struggle veteran whilst she arrived in France in 1914, elderly forty two, having served within the moment Boer struggle. on the top of the conflict of Passchendaele, she was once accountable for a casualty clearing station with a employees of 40 nurses and approximately a hundred nursing orderlies.

She was once presented the RRC and Bar (a infrequent contrast) and was once pointed out in Despatches for gallant and exclusive carrier within the box. via her letters domestic she conveyed a shiny and sincere portrait of struggle. it's also a portrait of shut kinfolk affection and belief in an international of clash. In publishing a few of these letters in Unknown Warriors her goal used to be to endure witness to the discomfort of the standard soldier.

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Download PDF by Stefan Vogler: Pflegestützpunkte versus Pflegeberatung auf Sächsisch

By Stefan Vogler

ISBN-10: 3640597893

ISBN-13: 9783640597895

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Pflegewissenschaften, Technische Universität Dresden (Institut für berufliche Fachrichtungen - Gesundheit und Pflege), Veranstaltung: Komplexe Versorgungssysteme in der Pflege, Sprache: Deutsch, summary: Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich eingehender mit dem Begriff der Pflegestützpunkte respektive Pflegeberatung auseinander. Angeregt wurde diese Themenstellung durch die aktuellen Entwicklungen und gesetzlichen Veränderungen im Gesundheits- wie Pflegebereich. Da der Freistaat Sachsen in Bezug auf Pflegeberatung einen eigenen Weg beschreitet, soll die sächsische Herangehensweise dem Bundesmodellprojekt „Pflegestützpunkt“ gegenübergestellt werden. Daraus resultiert auch der Titel dieser Hausarbeit „Pflegestützpunkte as opposed to Pflegeberatung auf Sächsisch“.
Zwei Fragestellungen stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt: Warum und Weshalb etabliert guy Pflegestützpunkte? Inwiefern erfüllt die sächsische Herangehensweise die politisch mit den Pflegestützpunkten beabsichtigen Ziele?
Aufgrund des gewählten Themas werden diese Fragen im Rahmen der Pflegewissenschaften/ Pflegeforschung vorrangig pflegepolitisch bearbeitet. Hinsichtlich der Daten stützt sich die Darstellung im Wesentlichen auf Zeitschriftenbeiträge, Internetpublikationen, Gesetzestexte sowie Vorträge im Rahmen von wissenschaftlichen Symposien (z.B. Deutscher Pflegekongress 2009). Die Auswahl der Artikel setzt am 1. Januar 2008 ein und reicht bis zum Sommer 2009. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei das Magazin „ProAlter“ des Kuratoriums für Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA).
Die Bearbeitung der beiden Leitfragen wird chronologisch erfolgen. So wird im nächsten Kapitel das vom KDA getragene Modell der Pflegestützpunkte vorgestellt. Danach wird die in Sachsen begonnene Umsetzung der Pflegeberatung genauer betrachtet. Im Teil vier dieser Arbeit werden beide Wege hinsichtlich ihrer subjektiven bzw. objektiven Vor- und Nachteile gegenübergestellt. Am Schluss sollen die Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die zwei Fragen zusammengefasst und reflektiert werden.

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Oystein Bruserud's The Chemokine System in Experimental and Clinical PDF

By Oystein Bruserud

ISBN-10: 3642126383

ISBN-13: 9783642126383

ISBN-10: 3642264654

ISBN-13: 9783642264658

the purpose of the problem is to explain and clarify the significance of the chemokine process in hematology. The chemokine process is perhaps vital for lots of points of ordinary in addition to malignant hematopoiesis. an important concentration is the improvement and therapy of hematologic malignancies, together with the immunobiology of stem mobile transplantation. the current stories illustrate that chemokines may be serious about leukemogenesis. The chemokine method is additionally vital either for the crosstalk among malignant cells and their neighbouring nonmalignant stromal cells (including endothelial cells) in addition to for immunoregulation in sufferers taken care of with allogeneic stem mobilephone transplantation. hence, chemokines are vital either for the pathogenesis and therapy of hematological diseases.

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Get Diagnosis in Otorhinolaryngology: An Illustrated Guide PDF

By T. Metin Önerci

ISBN-10: 3642004989

ISBN-13: 9783642004988

ISBN-10: 3662518635

ISBN-13: 9783662518632

In getting ready the fabric for this ebook, I took the recommendation of my scholars who generously shared their perspectives and critiques with me. i used to be advised that it'd be most excellent to have pictures of a few of the ailments with legends describing the disorder. scholars will be capable of study and keep the inf- mation extra effectively if the fabric used to be observed through images and schematic drawings. contemporary advances in expertise have made it attainable to picture areas which are difcult to view with the bare eye, akin to the ear, nostril, throat, nasopharynx, and larynx – the entire parts of otorhinolaryngology. Such an illustrated textual content during this feld is necessary and helpful for educating reasons. during this e-book i attempted to assemble photographs of the fundamental stipulations which are usually noticeable typically perform and to provide the reader a visible survey with a short description of the situation. I additional tables and schematic drawings in an effort to offer sensible details. it's not the aim of this booklet to be a entire textbook, because many textbooks are already to be had with extra specified details of the stipulations illustrated right here. This e-book is basically meant for clinical scholars, relatives and common practitioners, and ENT trainees. it may possibly additionally function uncomplicated interpreting fabric for these in allied specialties. i'm hoping my colleagues fnd this e-book worthy and it contributes towards their instructing purposes.

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Read e-book online Translating Chronic Illness Research into Practice PDF

By Debbie Kralik,Barbara Paterson,Vivien Coates

ISBN-10: 1405159650

ISBN-13: 9781405159654

Translating power sickness learn into Practice offers contemporary advancements in persistent disorder examine and their implications for medical perform. It gives you either a synthesis and a critique of present continual disorder learn and its functions to power sickness prevention, remedy and care. It promotes advances in wisdom approximately persistent disease, together with dialogue of the long run instructions for continual ailment examine and gaps in current wisdom approximately potent power disorder prevention, remedy and care.

Key features:

  • Contains contributions from the world over popular researchers in continual illness
  • Focuses on 3 key techniques, translating examine into perform, power disease and perform, and bridges the bounds among them
  • Is acceptable to a global, multi-disciplinary readership
  • For researchers and practitioners throughout healthiness disciplines

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