By Linda Curran Bcpc Lpc Cacd Ccdpd

ISBN-10: 193612842X

ISBN-13: 9781936128426

This is the workbook that each one psychological overall healthiness execs want that they had at first in their careers. Containing over a hundred techniques to successfully care for trauma, this workbook pulls jointly a big selection of remedies into one concise source. both invaluable in either team and person settings, those interventions will offer desire and therapeutic for the customer, in addition to extend and solidify the professional’s expertise.

Tools and strategies drawn from the best trauma modalities:

* paintings Therapy



** EFT


* strength Psychology

* Focusing

* Gestalt Therapy

* Guided Imagery

* Mindfulness

* Psychodrama

* Sensorimotor Psychology

* Somatic Experiencing and circulate Therapies

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101 Trauma-Informed Interventions: Activities, Exercises and Assignments to Move the Client and Therapy Forward by Linda Curran Bcpc Lpc Cacd Ccdpd

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