By BA Osterhoudt

ISBN-10: 0692930213

ISBN-13: 9780692930212

"Will deal with any pet—Alaskan Malamute to Zonkey—will even board your bugs!!”

Sam, the landlord of the Cattail hotel, has had her proportion of surprising visitors — from a jet-setting woolly caterpillar to a football taking part in llama. The occasions following the arriving of a small white rabbit, Abracadabra, stumps even Sam — as Abra maintains to do her magic act on the hotel — disappearing and reappearing in all of the mistaken areas. Does she have an associate or is there a supernatural explanation?

Life on the resort takes a fair stranger flip while Pete, a parakeet, tests in and his parent explains, “I comprehend the cage appears to be like empty—but…”. is that this only a bizarre puppy father or mother, an tricky prank, or has a ghost visitor checked into the Inn?

Sam enlists the aid of her pals Zen, the superb pyro–poodle, Brice, the juggling DJ, and eighty-nine-year previous dynamo Rae in her quest to find the secrets and techniques of Abracadabra and Pete. alongside the way in which, Abra adjustments a child’s lifestyles and Sam discovers a few remarkable fact approximately percentages, herself, and happiness.

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Abracadabra and Pete: Mystery Without Murder by BA Osterhoudt

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