By Chandra Shekhar Kumar

ISBN-10: 1500228125

ISBN-13: 9781500228125

This ebook is a mix of the next books :

  1. Advanced C++ FAQs: quantity 1 : Fundamentals
  2. Advanced C++ FAQs: quantity 2 : established Programming
  3. Advanced C++ FAQs: quantity 1 : Fundamentals

    This ebook isn't an advent to C++. It assumes that the reader knows the fundamentals of C++98 and C++03 and is raring to extend her horizon to most up-to-date and maximum within the current and way forward for C++, together with C++11 and C++1y(aka C++14). It includes chosen basic issues of specified options to all of those in an effort to aid the reader to hone her abilities to resolve a selected problem.

    Advanced C++ FAQs: quantity 2 : known Programming

    This publication is sequel to the 1st quantity Advanced C++ FAQs : quantity 1 : Fundamentals. It includes chosen regular programming issues of particular ideas.

    1. Algorithms
    2. 1.1 effective Insertion in Vector

      1.2 opposite set of rules for ahead iterators


      1.4 swapping unequal sections

      1.5 rotate set of rules


      1.9 stay away from uncooked Loops


      1.13 greater set of rules than std::rotate


      1.16 opposite set of rules dispatch

      1.17 effective set of rules for opposite


      1.21 is partitioned set of rules

      1.22 Bisection set of rules


      1.25 strengthen and subsequent

      1.26 customized iota


    3. Utilities
    4. 2.1 std::move is rvalue forged

      2.2 std::move if noexcept

      2.3 std::forward


      2.6 is similar

    5. Templates
    6. 3.1 alias template

      3.2 template parameter pack

      3.3 override digital and template


    7. Classes
    8. Namespaces
    9. Type Specifiers
    10. Constant Expression
    11. C++14
    12. ...

      8.4 vehicle go back style in functionality statement


      8.6 go back kind deduction for lambdas

      8.7 decltype(auto)


      8.9 particular instantiation and automobile

      8.10 go back kind deduction and digital


      8.12 generalized lambda trap

      8.13 popular lambda and product vector


    13. Miscellaneous
    14. More C++14
    15. 10.1 variable templates


      10.5 static info member template


      10.7 default argument and specialization of variable template
      10.8 lambda and variable template


      10.15 car variable template and wide-spread lambda

      10.16 constexpr member services and implicit const

      10.17 constexpr and initialization


      10.23 deprecated characteristic

      10.24 Member initializers and combination classification


      10.31 kind Transformation Aliases


      10.33 make distinctive as ideal forwarding man


      10.37 make designated and default initialization

      10.38 make special and array T[n]


      10.43 expand make exact : T[N]

      10.44 allocate particular

      10.45 Compile-time integer sequences


      10.47 std::index series

      10.48 customized series : Addition


      10.55 sfinae and symbolize kind of functionality

      10.56 metafunction : payment presence of style member

      10.57 std::common variety and sfinae

    16. Foundation
    17. 11.1 deepest solid

      11.2 worth kind Deduction Framework


      11.5 Template Alias and Rebind Template

      11.6 Template Alias and Non Deducible Context


      11.8 Template Alias and Specialization


      11.13 std::copy backward


      11.18 iota n : iota for writing n goods

      11.19 opposite iota


      11.24 combating identify Hijacking

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