By Michael Morris

ISBN-10: 0521603110

ISBN-13: 9780521603119

ISBN-10: 0521842158

ISBN-13: 9780521842150

during this textbook, Michael Morris bargains a severe creation to the vital problems with the philosophy of language. each one bankruptcy focusses on one or texts that have had a seminal effect on paintings within the topic, and makes use of those as a manner of coming near near either the imperative issues and some of the traditions of facing them. Texts comprise vintage writings through Frege, Russell, Kripke, Quine, Davidson, Austin, Grice and Wittgenstein. Theoretical jargon is saved to a minimal and is totally defined each time it's brought. the variety of issues coated comprises feel and reference, sure descriptions, right names, natural-kind phrases, de re and de dicto necessity, propositional attitudes, truth-theoretical techniques to that means, radical interpretation, indeterminacy of translation, speech acts, intentional theories of which means, and scepticism approximately which means. The e-book should be precious to scholars and to all readers who're drawn to the character of linguistic meaning.

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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy) by Michael Morris

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