By Paul Redding

ISBN-10: 0521172349

ISBN-13: 9780521172349

ISBN-10: 0521872723

ISBN-13: 9780521872720

This 2007 booklet examines the probabilities for the rehabilitation of Hegelian suggestion inside analytic philosophy. From its inception, the analytic culture has typically authorised Bertrand Russell's adverse dismissal of the idealists, according to the declare that their metaphysical perspectives have been irretrievably corrupted by means of the defective common sense that proficient them. those assumptions are challenged via the paintings of such analytic philosophers as John McDowell and Robert Brandom, who, whereas contributing to center components of the analytic flow, however have present in Hegel refined rules which are in a position to tackle difficulties which nonetheless hang-out the analytic culture after 100 years. Paul Redding strains the results of the displacement of the common sense presupposed by way of Kant and Hegel by means of smooth post-Fregean common sense, and examines the advancements inside twentieth-century analytic philosophy that have made attainable an analytic re-engagement with a formerly disregarded philosophical tradition.

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Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought (Modern European Philosophy) by Paul Redding

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