By Hyam Maccoby

ISBN-10: 041531173X

ISBN-13: 9780415311731

ISBN-10: 0415553881

ISBN-13: 9780415553889

The topic of anti-Semitism, now not in the past regarded as a lifeless factor, has been revised a result of clash among Israel and the Palestinians. Maccoby lines the now topical dialogue of the origins of Anti-Semitism, and particularly its improvement within the smooth global. the most important questions that are addressed include:

  • How is it that this medieval prejudice proved so lasting and potent?

  • Are the roots of anti-Semitism spiritual? if this is the case, how do those roots range in Christianity and Islam?

  • By what capacity did it bridge the space among medievalism and Enlightenment?

  • How used to be it that the various most valuable Enlightenment figures (such as Voltaire) committed as they have been to tolerance and pluralism, retained a virulent anti-Semitism?

These questions, and lots of extra, are handled as Maccoby explores the roots of the anti-Semitism, tracing it from its origins, and exhibits the way it has replaced in response to the moving principles of the fashionable global yet with no altering in its essence.

Antisemitism and Modernity is vital examining for people with pursuits within the improvement of anti-Semitism, its manifestation within the present international and its future.


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Antisemitism and Modernity: Innovation and Continuity (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) by Hyam Maccoby

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