By M. V. Dougherty

ISBN-10: 1107044340

ISBN-13: 9781107044340

ISBN-10: 1107621461

ISBN-13: 9781107621466

Thomas Aquinas's Disputed questions about Evil is a cautious and particular research of the final subject of evil, together with discussions on evil as privation, human unfastened selection, the reason for ethical evil, ethical failure, and the so-called seven lethal sins. This number of ten, in particular commissioned new essays, the 1st book-length English-language examine of Disputed questions about Evil, examines the main fascinating and philosophically appropriate elements of Aquinas's paintings, highlighting what's specified approximately it and situating it in relation not just to Aquinas's different works but in addition to modern philosophical debates in metaphysics, ethics, and philosophy of motion. The essays additionally discover the heritage of the work's interpretation. the amount may be of curiosity to researchers in a huge diversity of philosophical disciplines together with medieval philosophy and heritage of philosophy, in addition to to theologians.

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Aquinas's Disputed Questions on Evil: A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides) by M. V. Dougherty

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