By David Bryce Yaden,Theo D. McCall,J. Harold Ellens,David Yaden,Theo McCall

ISBN-10: 1440839123

ISBN-13: 9781440839122

This targeted booklet is a necessary source for interdisciplinary study and scholarship at the phenomenon of feeling known as to a lifestyles direction or vocation on the interface of technology and religion.

• deals spiritual, religious, medical, and secular avenues of knowing reviews of calling

• Creates a gap for a brand new discussion among psychology and spirituality

• offers readers with sound, sensible recommendation on how to define one's personal calling or excellent path in lifestyles within the glossy world

• comprises contributions by way of famous students and scientists akin to Dr. Martin Seligman, who found realized helplessness and based confident psychology; Dr. Andrew Newberg, who pioneered the neuroscience of religious reviews; and Dr. Ralph Hood, a popular professional on mystical experiences

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Being Called: Scientific, Secular, and Sacred Perspectives: Scientific, Secular, and Sacred Perspectives by David Bryce Yaden,Theo D. McCall,J. Harold Ellens,David Yaden,Theo McCall

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