ISBN-10: 0776607707

ISBN-13: 9780776607702

Think you recognize something or approximately zombies? re-evaluate. If you’re going to maintain your wits – and your brains – approximately you in the course of a zombie assault, you wish specialist suggestion. Braaaiiinnnsss!: From teachers to Zombies gathers jointly an irreverent staff of students and writers to take a significant examine how zombies threaten virtually each point of our lives. Spawned from the viral booklet "When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modelling of a scourge of Zombie Infection," this multidisciplinary booklet attracts on quite a few fields together with biology, heritage, legislations, gender reviews, archaeology, library technology and panorama structure. half homage to zombie movies and fiction, half cultural learn, this assortment humorously explores our deep-seated worry of the undead. enticing and obtainable, Braaaiiinnnnssss! will amuse teachers and zombie lovers alike.

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