By Steven A. Tretter

ISBN-10: 0306474298

ISBN-13: 9780306474293

Designed for senior electric engineering scholars, this textbook explores the theoretical techniques of electronic sign processing and verbal exchange platforms via proposing laboratory experiments utilizing real-time DSP undefined. The experiments are designed for the Texas tools TMS320C6701 assessment Module or TMS320C6711 DSK yet can simply be tailored to different DSP forums. every one bankruptcy starts off with a presentation of the mandatory thought and concludes with directions for appearing experiments to enforce the idea. within the means of acting the experiments, scholars achieve adventure in operating with software program instruments and kit frequent in industry.

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Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6701 and TMS320C6711 (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage) by Steven A. Tretter

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