By Jos de Mul,Bibi van den Berg

ISBN-10: 1438449712

ISBN-13: 9781438449715

ISBN-10: 1438449720

ISBN-13: 9781438449722

Analyzes modern technological society throughout the lens of Greek tragedy.

Destiny Domesticated investigates 3 ways Western civilization has attempted to tame destiny: the heroic confirmation of destiny within the tragic tradition of the Greeks, the common-or-garden attractiveness of divine windfall in Christianity, and the abolition of destiny in glossy technological society. by contrast heritage, Jos de Mul argues that the uncontrollability of expertise introduces its personal tragic measurement to our tradition. contemplating a number literary texts and modern occasions, and drawing on twenty-five centuries of tragedy interpretation from philosophers comparable to Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, literary critics George Steiner and Terry Eagleton, and others, de Mul articulates a modern point of view at the tragic, laying off new mild on philosophical issues akin to loose will, determinism, and the contingency of life.

Jos de Mul is complete Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus collage Rotterdam within the Netherlands. he's the writer of Cyberspace Odyssey: in the direction of a digital Ontology and Anthropology,/i>; The Tragedy of Finitude: Dilthey’s Hermeneutics of Life; and Romantic wish in (Post)modern artwork and Philosophy, additionally released by means of SUNY Press.

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Destiny Domesticated: The Rebirth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Technology by Jos de Mul,Bibi van den Berg

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