By World Energy Conference

ISBN-10: 0080340717

ISBN-13: 9780080340715

ISBN-10: 0080340725

ISBN-13: 9780080340722

during this re-creation normal power phrases in world wide use are provided in 19 sections jointly containing over 1300 phrases overlaying either traditional and sleek assets, know-how, apparatus and provide structures, in English, French, German and Spanish. 3 new sections are brought: Forecasting and method, together with normal and extra particular phrases in relation to quantitative monetary power forecasting; makes use of of power, starting from phrases linked to shoppers and effort offer to phrases interested by commercial and chemical utilization; and dimension and regulate expertise, which covers instrumentation, recommendations and safeguard terminology. absolutely listed and especially designed for quick cross-reference, this word list is an invaluable reference consultant for all scientists, technical writers and economists with an curiosity during this field.

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Energy Terminology: A Multi-Lingual Glossary by World Energy Conference

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