By Pierre Pontarotti

ISBN-10: 3319413236

ISBN-13: 9783319413235

This ebook provides chosen contributions to the 19th Evolutionary Biology assembly, which came about in September 2015 in Marseille. It involves 22 chapters, that are grouped in 4 sections:

·       Convergent Evolution

·       Evolution of complicated Traits

·       Concepts

·       Methods

The annual Evolutionary Biology conferences in Marseille serve to assemble best evolutionary biologists and different scientists utilizing evolutionary biology ideas, e.g for clinical study, to advertise the alternate of rules and to motivate interdisciplinary collaborations.

Offering an up to date review of contemporary findings within the box of evolutionary biology, this ebook is a useful resource of knowledge for scientists, lecturers and complex students.

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Evolutionary Biology: Convergent Evolution, Evolution of Complex Traits, Concepts and Methods by Pierre Pontarotti

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