By Frank James Unger

ISBN-10: 1413464149

ISBN-13: 9781413464146

"Joe, Enzi and Mac are kindhearted, senior widowers who have identified one another longer than they could have in mind. Bonded through love and durability, they percentage universal acquaintances at a close-by safe haven known as, ""Caruso's Bowling Lanes."" From that societal headquarters, the 3 associates embark on an out of this world odyssey that rattles the calm in their quiet local at the northwest part of Chicago. less than duress, they comply with simultaneous surgical procedures … and a chain of twisting, turning adventures begins!
pals IN excessive locations is a hot and funny tale of unconditional friendship, a characterization of 3 getting older originals who're now not grumpy outdated men.

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Friends in High Places by Frank James Unger

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