By Grant MacDonald
On the Reserve acquisition; the way in which they deal with me -- it rather sucks!
As the Getty inheritors indulge in glee;
All I requested for was once that they appear after me.
Four billion money they earned on Reserve
My rate I absolutely deserve.
It seems J.P. Getty can have been a Nazi;
His kin even is going again to Germany.
With Hitler, Goring & Goebbels he did stand;
While attempting to undermine the yank land!
For work & artifacts he did receive
With his oil he was once in a position to deceive?
Hoover & the FBI and Roosevelt they knew -- That J.P. Getty & espionage he drew!
Many a tender lad and Jew did die; As planes dropped bombs from the sky.
For years whereas Getty sat in Berlin; He could have devoted many a sin.
The ashes and smoke from the chimneys it rose; whereas outdated guy Getty sat comfortable; he chose.
With paintings held tightly lower than his arm
Still dripping in blood -- because the actual proprietor met harm.
Into the ovens & on meat-hooks, bullets among the eyes
Listen very conscientiously it is easy to pay attention their cries!
While the Gettys sit down in England; at their property at Wormsley
And Gordon sings in San Francisco; together with his 727 in tow.
The Getty museum sits atop Malibu
While the corpses of global struggle 2 scream -- J.P. Getty -- we all know you!
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