By Bertrand Russell

ISBN-10: 0415325056

ISBN-13: 9780415325059

ISBN-10: 1138127043

ISBN-13: 9781138127043

ISBN-10: 1843797399

ISBN-13: 9781843797395

First released in 1946, History of Western Philosophy went directly to turn into the best-selling philosophy ebook of the 20th century. A dazzlingly formidable venture, it is still unchallenged to this present day because the final advent to Western philosophy. supplying a worldly evaluate of the information that experience confused humans from time immemorial, it is 'long on wit, intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism', because the New York Times famous, and it's this, coupled with the sheer brilliance of its scholarship, that has made Russell's History of Western Philosophy probably the most very important philosophical works of all time.

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History of Western Philosophy (Routledge Classics) by Bertrand Russell

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