By Hunt

ISBN-10: 0521707811

ISBN-13: 9780521707817

ISBN-10: 0521881625

ISBN-13: 9780521881623

This booklet is a entire survey of our medical wisdom approximately human intelligence, written through a researcher who has spent greater than 30 years learning the sphere, receiving a life-time Contribution award from the foreign Society for Intelligence. Human Intelligence takes a non-ideological view of a subject matter during which, too frequently, writings are ruled by way of a unmarried conception or social perspective. The booklet discusses the conceptual prestige of intelligence as a suite of cognitive talents that come with, but additionally transcend, these abilities evaluated via traditional assessments; intelligence exams and their research; modern theories of intelligence; organic and social motives of intelligence; the significance of intelligence in social, business, and academic spheres; the function of intelligence in opting for good fortune in existence, either in and out academic settings; and the character and factors of adaptations in intelligence throughout age, gender, and racial and ethnic groups.

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Human Intelligence by Hunt

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