By Robert Illes,Daniel Zimmerman

ISBN-10: 194595910X

ISBN-13: 9781945959103

Marc de Lugg is a 30ish nebbish, a failed sci-fi author with a useless finish task and a philandering spouse dwelling in a cellular domestic in Nevada. So, obviously whilst he’s kidnapped by way of extraterrestrial beings, it’s virtually a aid. not like his existence on the earth, the denizens of the planet locate him admirable, loveable – certainly they think about him “The selected One.”

Marc thinks they’ve bought the inaccurate man yet he’s satisfied to just accept their devotion. besides the fact that, they've got one fervent request for him – pass on a dying defying project in the world to rescue one in every of their fellows held abducted through a loopy American military normal on a mystery army base. Marc is terrified yet has the same opinion for worry of letting down one other planet. Will Marc ever locate his guts? Will existence ever be a similar after his challenge one thousand billion miles clear of Earth?

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I, Alien: Marc de Lugg Finds Love and Admiration... One Trillion Miles From Earth by Robert Illes,Daniel Zimmerman

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