By Tom Asacker,Shannon McCarthy-Minuti

ISBN-10: 1546431306

ISBN-13: 9781546431305

"I enjoyed this e-book. I laughed, I cried... bound to open the hearts and minds of all who learn it. And brimming with Hollywood potential!" —Mark Ramsey, Board Member, Broadcast movie Critics Association

I AM KEATS is a big-hearted, offbeat novel that takes on a desirable question...

If you had the chance to erase someone’s previous and rewrite his tale, to provide him a do-over, might you're taking it? And extra importantly, should still you?

Peter Anderson’s lifestyles is falling aside. His brother is a slacker, his son is in difficulty in school, and his animation studio is near to catastrophe. And regardless of being a pro government, used to operating issues his manner, the realm isn't going in accordance with plan.

When his brother has an coincidence and loses his reminiscence, Peter, the pro storyteller, comes up with a super proposal: create a brand new, “successful” tale for his brother. Rewrite and reinvent his complete life!

But, not like his cartoons, his brother isn’t fairly really easy to regulate, and results that neither of them may possibly ever have foreseen spin Peter’s existence out of control.

He’ll finally notice that existence isn’t a narrative, and folks are usually not characters to be scripted and directed. lifestyles is a poem. lifestyles is a portray. existence is a dance.

Life... is a track. And none folks be aware of the melody.

A quirky, emotional gut-check of a narrative, I AM KEATS is a superb meditation on luck, love, letting pass, and discovering one’s self again.

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I am Keats: The Art of Inciting Chaos by Tom Asacker,Shannon McCarthy-Minuti

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