By Cal D. Stoltenberg,Brian W. McNeill

ISBN-10: 0805858245

ISBN-13: 9780805858242

ISBN-10: 0805858253

ISBN-13: 9780805858259

The 3rd variation of this e-book is an up to date and elevated presentation of the commonly used Integrative Developmental version of Supervision. unlike different volumes on scientific supervision, Stoltenberg and McNeill current a accomplished, time-tested, and empirically investigated version of supervision, instead of a wide precis of alternative present or ancient methods. as well as featuring a version of therapist improvement that spans starting via complex education, the ebook integrates thought and examine from a variety of views, together with studying, cognition, and emotion, in addition to an up to date therapy of study without delay addressing the supervision procedure. The version additionally examines the function of scientific supervision from an evidence-based perform viewpoint and addresses problems with universal elements in remedy. The impression of cultural matters in supervision and coaching, in addition to fresh paintings in a potential method of supervision and trainee improvement, also are examined.

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IDM Supervision: An Integrative Developmental Model for Supervising Counselors and Therapists, Third Edition (Counseling and Psychotherapy) by Cal D. Stoltenberg,Brian W. McNeill

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