By John White

ISBN-10: 0415368928

ISBN-13: 9780415368926

ISBN-10: 0415394937

ISBN-13: 9780415394932

The nature of intelligence and the way it may be measured has occupied psychologists, educationalists, biologists and philosophers for centuries. However, there has been little research into the increase of the conventional dominant academic ideology that intelligence and IQ have innate limits and are unchanging and unchangeable. This e-book strains the roots of this frame of mind again to early puritan groups on either side of the Atlantic, drawing parallels among puritan dogma and the improvement of the normal curricula and choice tactics which are nonetheless firmly embedded in class perform today.

Drawing at the paintings of Galton, Pearson, Burt, Goddard, Terman and others in his look for the reality approximately intelligence checking out, John White appears on the own histories and socialised spiritual backgrounds of those key psychologists and casts a wholly new gentle on education in Britain and the us nowa days. This paintings additionally exhibits how we will be able to go beyond this historical past and base our academic method on values and practices extra in music with the twenty-first century.

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Intelligence, Destiny and Education: The Ideological Roots of Intelligence Testing by John White

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