By Buell Hollister

ISBN-10: 1939166594

ISBN-13: 9781939166593

Gilbert Greenbush leads a comfy, if unexamined existence in better Boston, until eventually he gets a shrunken head as a present. Leeram, the top, has the character of a brand new York cabbie and the 2 develop into the oddest couple ever to proportion area below a roof. input a true Amazon lady, Suxie Redbone and her attractive younger buddy Lisa, either one of whom Gilbert first sees in a unadorned PETA anti-fur protest.  An unpredictible sequence of occasions ensues that leads them to the Brazilian rain wooded area and an deserted rubber plantation referred to as Fordlandia. They determine an odd kibbutz, the place Gilbert learns a lot approximately lifestyles after demise from the Leeram.

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Leeram in Fordlandia by Buell Hollister

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