By Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang,Kwok-Fai So

ISBN-10: 9401796572

ISBN-13: 9789401796576

ISBN-10: 9402403167

ISBN-13: 9789402403169

This publication seeks to resolve the mysteries of wolfberry, and systematically introduces its mechanisms in combating aging-associated ailments, corresponding to cardiovascular illnesses, irritation, liver and neurodegenerative ailments. Wolfberry, the dried fruit of Lycium barbarum, is an anti-aging natural drugs. there were quite a few stories investigating the underlying mechanisms of its anti-aging results and its position in fighting pathological adjustments in lots of aging-associated ailments. Its holistic results at the physique can attenuate liver toxicity and strive against the unfold of melanoma; it additionally prevents degeneration within the principal apprehensive procedure, and will even definitely have an effect on the surface. As such, wolfberry has develop into a truly renowned nutrients complement world wide. This ebook will function an exceptional reference resource for researchers and graduate scholars learning natural drugs and aging-associated illnesses, whereas additionally delivering insights for the pharmaceutical in regards to constructing capability medicines for those diseases.

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Lycium Barbarum and Human Health by Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang,Kwok-Fai So

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