By Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali,Herman Wahid,Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha,Shafishuhaza Sahlan,Mohd Amri Md. Yunus,Ahmad Ridhwan Wahap

ISBN-10: 9811064628

ISBN-13: 9789811064623

This two-volume set CCIS 751 and CCIS 752 constitutes the lawsuits of the seventeenth Asia Simulation convention, AsiaSim 2017, held in Malacca, Malaysia, in August/September 2017.

The 124 revised complete papers offered during this two-volume set have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 267 submissions. The papers contained in those complaints tackle tough concerns in modeling and simulation in a number of fields similar to embedded platforms; symbiotic simulation; agent-based simulation; parallel and dispensed simulation; excessive functionality computing; biomedical engineering; colossal information; power, society and economics; clinical techniques; s

imulation language and software program; visualization; digital truth; modeling and Simulation for IoT; computer studying; in addition to the basics and functions of computing.

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Modeling, Design and Simulation of Systems: 17th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2017, Melaka, Malaysia, August 27 – 29, 2017, Proceedings, Part I ... in Computer and Information Science) by Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali,Herman Wahid,Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha,Shafishuhaza Sahlan,Mohd Amri Md. Yunus,Ahmad Ridhwan Wahap

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