By Gaylord Brewer
ISBN-10: 1597090824
ISBN-13: 9781597090827
Admirers of Gaylord Brewer’s darkish and lyrical poetry may be delightfully shocked via this frantic detour into fiction, Octavius the 1st. opposed to a backdrop of puppy jogging and the bloated throat sac of the male siamang gibbon, via a gauntlet of fine ole domestic cookin’ and the beatific lunch specials of the deli Cheeses Christ, to a soundtrack of cleaning soap operas and his personal worked respiring, our protagonist, Octavius Trotter—lonely, hungry emperor of his mind—gambles the world’s meagre wages of affection and longing. Jonathan Livingston Seagull meets The Bridges of Madison County. A dollop of John Kennedy Toole, a swizzle of Kingsley Amis, a sprinkle of Joyce. This alternately delicate and brutally hilarious lengthy novella emerges as anything new, but nonetheless contumaciously, caustically, inimitably Brewer. you're approximately to go into the “Otto Zone,” and lifestyles is set to change.
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