By Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

ISBN-10: 2940573182

ISBN-13: 9782940573189

in the midst of a Borneo rainforest a band of near-naked Penan tribesmen, inspired by way of an both clothes-challenged renegade Swiss shepherd, hesitantly blockade a logging truck, trying out their dedication to guard their wooded area domestic. within reach, a researcher learning orangutans is threatened with being thrown out of her examine web site until she will achieve a fragile compromise with the robust minister of our surroundings. in the meantime, loggers are busy at paintings, devastating the rainforest. Time is working out, for the folks and the orangutans who percentage this threatened surroundings. Who has the reply to saving the world’s oldest woodland: the selling specialists of a world nature conservation crew or the earnest monkey-wrenchers? on the middle of Redheads black-humored fictional motion lies the very actual challenge of rainforest destruction and the philosophical query of the place the true barriers lie among apes and people. And simply what's it approximately purple silk underwear?

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Redheads by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

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