By Miranda Marin

ISBN-10: 0997228415

ISBN-13: 9780997228410

"Miranda Marin's targeted voice hurtles you again like a rushing bullet teach to the last decade that begun with the deaths of Janis and Jimi and the murders at Kent country. by contrast not going backdrop her expertise for black comedy shines as her heroine desperately attempts to make peace among the exjunkie pothead love of her lifestyles and her recently-widowed and carefully uncouth father. remember that, her makes an attempt fail miserably yet so hilariously that you're going to snicker out loud. this is often Miranda Marin's first novel. we will be able to purely wish she writes not less than one for every decade." –Marty Simas

Capturing the seventies period in a run-down city at the banks of the Hudson River, sixty miles north and a life-time clear of the glamour of recent York urban, writer Miranda Marin takes us on a trip that exposes the highs (very high!) and crashing lows of Jesse McLaughlin and Terri Micelli, a pair who're hooked on every little thing, particularly one another. Then meet Terri’s father, Chick, a personality with outlandish perspectives on pretty well any topic from his respected Pope to the “no solid alkie” his daughter adores. subscribe to the journey as he drives them out of his lifestyles on a joyride you won’t put out of your mind.

Cover artwork by way of Sam DiTullo

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