By Chillee Willee

ISBN-10: 1453528911

ISBN-13: 9781453528914

ISBN-10: 145352892X

ISBN-13: 9781453528921

"“Say it's not So” is a hilarious and romantic novel with plenty of drama. Walter T. Owens Sir, a well known pass judgement on and Roberta Owens a well known pastor lives in Atlanta GA. they've got seven siblings which are all grown and live on their lonesome. existence used to be easily appealing.

That is till all types of skeletons got here rolling out while a really daring spouse confirmed up at the parent's doorstep. the entire spouse regularly desired to do was once to fasten eyes with the gold-digger that was once robbing her husband blind.

This novel is stuffed with laughter and romance because the Owens extended family fines themselves in a single sizzling mess and an international of natural unadulterated drama. it is going to have you ever in stitches, tears and maybe an amen or . even if we may perhaps superb a little of the Owens drama in our personal lives, the writer brings all of it jointly during this one relatives. you could nice yourselves asserting; what, naw, hush your mouth, say it's not so.

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Say It Isn’t So by Chillee Willee

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