By Jr. George G. Suggs

ISBN-10: 1425733999

ISBN-13: 9781425733995

e-book SUMMARY

Among the exciting personalities that made existence fascinating for Will and Julie Summers in Shady Grove, a sleepy little city in Southeast Missouri the place Will have been employed as an administrator throughout the nice melancholy, have been John Davis, the town’s prowling eccentric; Mozella Lewis, a glamorous black instructor and her valueless white boyfriend, Harry Hussy; Marshall Ed Hooks and Father Hank Jolliak, alcoholics, one cute, one now not; dignified Rev. Harry Morton, the passionate black pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church; bold William Jones, cocky prosecutor who officiously presided over public hangings; Maggie Stanley, a buxom, obese mom who brawled together with her instructor niece, Emily Wickam, in Will’s place of work; Lola Taylor, ny megastar of level and display, who introduced tradition and heartbreak to Shady Grove; the poker crowd at Elmer Guyton’s ironmongery shop; and the gossipy know-it-ails of scandal at Charley Bell’s barbershop. those and others made existence whatever yet boring for Will and Julia in Shady Grove, Missouri.

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Shady Grove: A Novel by Jr. George G. Suggs

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