By Sebastien de Castell

ISBN-10: 147140613X

ISBN-13: 9781471406133

ISBN-10: 1489411151

ISBN-13: 9781489411150

SORCERY IS A rip-off . . . the second one ebook within the page-turning SPELLSLINGER myth sequence.

Four months after fleeing his personal humans, Kellen has found he is a fair worse outlaw than he was once mage. It does not aid that his in basic terms allies are a swaggering card participant and a thieving squirrel cat.

Then he meets Seneira, a blindfolded woman who is not blind, and whose secrets and techniques get them stuck up in a conspiracy of magic, blackmail and homicide. Now Kellen needs to locate the mage in charge prior to the full frontier falls sufferer to the paranormal plague referred to as the shadowblack.

Perfect for fanatics of The darkish Tower, Firefly, Guardians of the Galaxy, Terry Pratchett, Ben Aaronovitch and Jim Butcher.

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Spellslinger 2: Shadowblack: Book Two in the page-turning SPELLSLINGER fantasy series by Sebastien de Castell

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