By Nicholas Ladany,Myrna L. Friedlander,Mary Lee Nelson

ISBN-10: 1433822512

ISBN-13: 9781433822513

Many supervisors need assistance navigating the main hard dilemmas and conflicts that come up in supervision of trainees, addressing ability deficits and competency issues, operating via function conflicts, and gender or ethnicity-related misunderstandings. simply because those interpersonal conflicts should be so difficult, even if, they typically signify a golden chance for genuine growth. This publication offers a procedure version with particular strategies—such as exploration of emotions, specialize in self-efficacy, and a focus to parallel processes—that jointly permit supervisors and trainees to effectively get to the bottom of the matter to hand and accomplish lasting good fortune of their careers.

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Supervision Essentials for the Critical Events in Psychotherapy Supervision Model (Clinical Supervision Essentials) by Nicholas Ladany,Myrna L. Friedlander,Mary Lee Nelson

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