By Anita Maria Leopold,Jeppe Sinding Jensen

ISBN-10: 1904768652

ISBN-13: 9781904768654

Syncretism - the fusion of other ideals into one non secular procedure - has lengthy been debatable in scholarship. it truly is greatly held that faith, tradition and ethnicity are natural entities that could turn into jumbled together come upon and bring about impure, hybrid kinds. 'Syncretism in faith' provides a variety of essays devoted to fixing the issues of syncretism. The essays replicate the entire breadth of spiritual traditions which may be referred to as syncretistic. an outline of the historic heritage of syncretism is given, along classical readings from the historical past of faith, definitions of syncretism in terms of theories of strength, and an evaluation of the way forward for the topic. This quantity brings jointly the paintings of authors who've made major contributions within the box, a few showing for the 1st time in English. it will likely be of curiosity to any scholar or student of faith, philosophy or anthropology all in favour of the dynamics of cultural touch and change.

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Syncretism in Religion: A Reader (Critical Categories in the Study of Religion) by Anita Maria Leopold,Jeppe Sinding Jensen

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