By Joan Jobe Smith

ISBN-10: 1502898284

ISBN-13: 9781502898289

infrequently does a average poet and historian comparable to Joan Jobe Smith undergo such ordeals and demanding situations and live to tell the tale to inform the story. this can be a picaresque actual story spanning the 1965 l. a. Watts Riots, close to dying by the hands of a homicidal ex-husband, the counterculture go-go swinging let-it-all-hang-out Sixties and 70s, unmarried Motherhood and Feminism. A story that ends along with her dancing to doorways’ guitarist Robby Krieger in 2014. A story informed with center and braveness and humor to make all our lives richer and wiser.

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Tales of an Ancient Go-Go Girl by Joan Jobe Smith

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