By Jaekyung Lee

ISBN-10: 0190217642

ISBN-13: 9780190217648

The Anatomy of accomplishment Gaps deals a serious research of underachievement difficulties in American schooling from interdisciplinary, overseas, and platforms views. The publication has numerous goals: to construct a brand new version of accomplishment hole examine and coverage; to supply proof at the kingdom and alterability of feat gaps; to synthesize separate strains of family and foreign success hole examine; and to judge and tell American P-16 (pre-school via collage) schooling policies.

In mild of socioeconomic adjustments and academic paradigm shifts, Jaekyung Lee extends the scope of study from a K-12 to a P-16 schooling pipeline and from family racial/social teams to foreign teams, with specialise in the case of South Korea. via multilevel and longitudinal analyses of U.S. nationwide and overseas datasets, The Anatomy of accomplishment Gaps presents new facts at the prestige and tendencies of accomplishment gaps, factors of those gaps, and the consequences of coverage interventions. which will review the nation's strengths and weaknesses around the P-16 schooling pipeline, it attracts upon quite a lot of academic info assets and symptoms. that includes cross-cultural views past the united states, Lee reframes success hole and academic responsibility issues.

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The Anatomy of Achievement Gaps: Why and How American Education is Losing (but can still Win) the War on Underachievement by Jaekyung Lee

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