By Gary Reilly

ISBN-10: 0984786007

ISBN-13: 9780984786008

Introducing Denverite Brendan Murphy or "Murph" as he's identified to the remainder of the realm. He lives on my own in his crow's nest condominium, fries a hamburger for each meal, does his dish, then channel surfs for reruns of Gilligan's Island. he's a thorough minimalist. He strives to earn not more funds as a driving force for Rocky Mountain Taxi corporation than his wishes require. he's made up our minds to stick out of the lives of these he transports. He struggles with one factor and is spectacularly undesirable with the opposite. The Asphalt Warrior is the 1st of 11 adventures. Come prowl the suggest streets of Denver with Murph and give some thought to the which means of the realm and every type of deep questions, equivalent to: Why may a person are looking to DO anything?

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