By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
ISBN-10: 285566313X
ISBN-13: 9782855663135
opposite to so much esoteric thinkers, whose goal is to provide their disciples a greater highbrow figuring out of spiritual and philosophical doctrines, the instructing of the grasp Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov issues in one other course, to a better target that's extra very important for mankind. His rules are obtainable to everybody and appropriate to their day-by-day lives in addition to to the lifetime of the spirit.
This quantity provides a call of talks given by means of the grasp Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov that are pedagogical in nature: the reader may be stunned to work out himself mirrored during this gentle, his behaviour is defined to him in a manner either photograph and hugely innovative. he'll have the ability to measurement himself up and conquer the faults and weaknesses which are his boundaries. That strength inside us which leads us off target is our ‘personality’, and because of the knowledge contained during this quantity we will learn how to use it safely in order that rather than being our enemy it turns into a beneficial best friend. rather than condemning ourselves to definite failure by means of suffering opposed to our personal nature, we will learn how to keep watch over and use it so one can upward thrust to larger, nobler heights. bit by bit every one people can observe his personal larger Self, his ‘individuality’ which not just is certainly the contradictions of his reduce nature yet is in a position to utilizing them to create internal concord and really brotherly kinfolk among males.
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