By C.W. Valentine

ISBN-10: 1138899399

ISBN-13: 9781138899391

ISBN-10: 1138899453

ISBN-13: 9781138899452

Originally released in 1942, this identify tried to track, from their very earliest appearances after delivery, all facets of psychological improvement in early life as much as the age of approximately four or five. it really is established principally at the author’s virtually day-by-day observations of his personal 5 young children, over a interval of a few 20 years, supplemented through quite a few exams and experiments.

The first objective of this booklet used to be to improve our wisdom of the psychology of early life. the significance of such wisdom had turn into more and more recognized. whether now not all is totally decided within the first 4-5 years, there has been no doubt through this time that those first years are of profound value for destiny improvement: and the higher figuring out and coaching of the younger baby will be on the root of lots of our academic and social problems.

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The Psychology of Early Childhood: A Study of Mental Development in the First Years of Life: Volume 2 (Collected Works of C.W. Valentine) by C.W. Valentine

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