By Thomas Faist,Margit Fauser,Eveline Reisenauer

ISBN-10: 0745649777

ISBN-13: 9780745649771

ISBN-10: 0745649785

ISBN-13: 9780745649788

Increasing interconnections among geographical regions throughout borders have rendered the transnational a key device for knowing our global. It has made specifically powerful contributions to immigration reports and holds nice promise for deepening insights into foreign migration.

This is the 1st publication to supply an available but rigorous review of transnational migration, as skilled through kin and kinship teams, networks of marketers, diasporas and immigrant institutions. in addition to defining the middle idea, it explores the results of transnational migration for immigrant integration and its dating to assimilation. via interpreting its political, monetary, social, and cultural dimensions, the authors catch the exact beneficial properties of the recent immigrant groups that experience reshaped the ethno-cultural mixture of receiving international locations, together with the U.S. and Western Europe. Importantly, the booklet additionally examines the consequences of transnationality on sending groups, viewing migrants as brokers of political and financial development.

This systematic and demanding evaluation of transnational migration completely balances theoretical dialogue with appropriate examples and situations, making it an amazing booklet for upper-level scholars protecting immigration and transnational kinfolk on sociology, political technology, and globalization courses.

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Transnational Migration (Immigration and Society) by Thomas Faist,Margit Fauser,Eveline Reisenauer

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