By Wayne Calabretta

ISBN-10: 1481056085

ISBN-13: 9781481056083

WE 3 KINGS is the 1st experience of Joshua Cayce, and his good friend Mike Critelli, within the city of Spirit Bay. Spirit Bay is an old position with a façade that hardly conceals the mysteries that lie beneath. it's a position of strength that pulls the most unearthly creatures and is domestic to even stranger population.

It is the tale of a tender guy, Joshua Cayce, a freshman at his neighborhood college. What starts off as a primary yr time period paper, to track his family members roots, turns into an event that uncovers essentially the most stunning secrets and techniques all through background. He makes a startling discovery, the truth at the back of a number of the maximum myths of all time! And from the normal to the supernatural he discovers legends that aren't legends in any respect, and their hyperlink to Spirit Bay! eventually faced with the best mystery at the back of the main cherished of all celebrations, Christmas, and he needs to make an most unlikely decision!

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We Three Kings (Joshua Cayce: Master of the Hounds. The Adventures in Spirit Bay Book 1) by Wayne Calabretta

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