By Beverly Greene

ISBN-10: 1591474019

ISBN-13: 9781591474012

ISBN-10: 1591474116

ISBN-13: 9781591474111

This e-book was once created to aid therapists and therapists-in-training discover the myths and taboo issues that weaken their perform and reason nervousness, soreness, and confusion. a few of these themes contain feeling incompetent; making blunders; getting stuck off shield by way of expense entanglements; turning into enraged at sufferers; coping with disorder; figuring out sexual arousal and impulses; praying with sufferers as a part of treatment; feeling ashamed; being fired; and never understanding what to do.

The name of the 1993 first variation of this publication was once Sexual emotions in Psychotherapy: Explorations for Therapists and Therapists-in-Training. the recent name for the second one variation displays a significantly elevated scope that makes a speciality of various different subject matters as well as sexual feelings.

The publication discusses the harmful myths that therapists appear to carry approximately themselves that maintain the taboo subject matters. by means of delivering questions for self-assessment and a chain of "explorations" that may be used to ascertain taboo topics

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What Therapists Don't Talk About and Why: Understanding Taboos That Hurt Us And Our Clients by Beverly Greene

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