By Gwyn Campbell,Suzanne Miers,Joseph C. Miller

ISBN-10: 0821418769

ISBN-13: 9780821418765

ISBN-10: 0821418777

ISBN-13: 9780821418772

Significant numbers of the folk enslaved all through international heritage were youngsters. The great literature on slavery has grown to incorporate many of the historical past of this ubiquitous perform, yet the vast majority of it concentrates at the males whose robust our bodies and laboring capacities preoccupied the masters of the fashionable Americas. Children in Slavery throughout the Ages examines the youngsters one of the enslaved throughout an important diversity of past occasions and different locations; its better half quantity will learn the kids enslaved in fresh American contexts and within the contemporary/modern world.

This is the 1st assortment to target little ones in slavery. those top students deliver our wondering slaving and slavery to new degrees of comprehensiveness and complexity. They additional supply big ancient intensity to the abuse of kids for sexual and hard work reasons that has turn into an important humanitarian situation of governments and personal enterprises around the globe in contemporary decades.

The accumulated essays in Children in Slavery in the course of the Ages essentially reconstruct our knowing of enslavement through exploring the often-ignored function of kids in slavery and rejecting the tendency to narrowly equate slavery with the compelled hard work of men. The volume’s ancient perspective highlights many implications of kid slavery through interpreting the diversity of children’s roles—as handbook employees and household servants to courtroom entertainers and eunuchs—and the global areas during which the kid slave alternate existed.

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Children in Slavery through the Ages by Gwyn Campbell,Suzanne Miers,Joseph C. Miller

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