By Warren Brown

ISBN-10: 1681399296

ISBN-13: 9781681399294

Who, between us, has now not recognized that sinking feeling within the pit of his belly, while, past due on Christmas Eve, after the children are asleep, he's faced by means of the two

most dreaded words chanced on on any field: batteries no longer integrated and a few meeting required. Or who has now not ventured into the wooded area to “harvest” his personal Christmas tree or shopped for the appropriate reward or attempted to cook dinner the right Christmas dinner purely to discover insurmountable street blocks alongside the way.

“Christmas stories From Pie city” is a funny examine those and different demanding situations which abound at Christmas time each 12 months. you will even get a glimpse of the once a year Christmas tree out of your dog's point of view. The tales are acknowledged by means of the neighborhood, unofficial and fictitious Pie city historian, Gus Hollern, who has been recognized to stretch the reality only a bit.

You'll locate those stories appropriate for every age yet specifically aimed toward grown ups
and as a result very acceptable for these grown ups between you who may need their stockings stuffed.

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Christmas Tales from Pie Town by Warren Brown

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