By Salman Akhtar,Selma Kramer

ISBN-10: 0765701553

ISBN-13: 9780765701558

How does tradition have an effect on child-rearing practices? How do components resembling poverty, ethnic distinction, racial minority prestige, and having immigrant mom and dad regulate the event of a transforming into baby? Are there culturally precise sub-groups in the African-American inhabitants? How ubiquitous are psychoanalytically derived schedules of character improvement? In what shape and to what volume are transference and countertransference stricken by such racial, ethnic, and monetary concerns? during this quantity, 8 distinct psychoanalysts (including a few belonging to ethnic and racial minorities) try to resolution those questions. they supply illuminating info of child-rearing practices in African-American, Indian, and eastern households. They interweave mythological legacies, historic historical past, ethnographic facts, and medical observations right into a wealthy tapestry of information, empathy, and knowing. they fight to tease out the variables of socioeconomic category from the problem of race and the ambiguities consequent upon elevating youngsters in a brand new and unexpected land from the standard and inevitable conflicts among generations.

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The Colors of Childhood: Separation-Individuation across Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Diversity (Margaret S. Mahler) by Salman Akhtar,Selma Kramer

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